Tuesday, July 28, 2015

2D TileArray from Prefabs, Loading sprites at runtime, Pause Menu and More!

Some highlights from the stream last night:

Demo of generating 2D TileArray from the Tiled Prefab, then using A* pathfinding for player movement:

Adding sprites to the gameworld:

 Pause Menu Implementation:

Friday, July 24, 2015

Wiring Tilemaps

Here are some highlights from last night's stream, where I made some new tile maps, then wired them up in Unity to the World Maps, and some dialog scripts:

 Creating Tile Maps in Tiled:

 Wiring up in Unity, and testing:

Tuesday, July 21, 2015

Down, But Not Out

I'm still alive and kicking!

I've been pretty busy with RL stuff the last few months, but I've been hacking away on a few things in my limited free time.  I recorded a session over on twitch to go over what I've been working on.  Here are the highlights!

I'm hoping to do a little bit of work every day, and post to the blog or stream at least once a week!

Tiled2Unity Demo

Object Triggers in Tiled wired up in Unity

Overview of the RPG tree structure